Thursday, December 10, 2009

Make Money From Home - Plan Your Day the Night Before

This article is about organizing your business day and making an action plan. Doing this is very important since it will give you a sense of accomplishment and will keep you from being distracted. Not knowing what to do is one of the causes of failure in the internet business. Here are three ways to help you solve your problem.

1. The night before write out 5 things you want to achieve the next day

Doing this the night before rather in the morning is important since your subconcious mind will be working to see that you are prepared to follow through in the morning. You may have 20 things on your general "to do" list, and that's understandable == you will have to allow for some of these necessary personal and household things. But this is about your business goals which you need to make a priority if you want to succeed. Write out five high value tasks you need to complete. if you can't think of five, then three. They could be to write an article, or check your ads if you are doing a campaign, or send out emails. Or it could be do some reading or research. It will all depend on the stage you are at.

2. Break these goals down into bite size actions.

If one of your goals is very large and cannot really be accomplished in one day, then break it down into what can reasonably be accomplished in one or two hours. If you do this then you will have that sense of achievement which energizes you for the next task on your list.

3. Make Sure your goals are achievable

Be sure your goals are specific and achievable -- small steps towards your larger purpose, the reason why you want to make money from home. For instance one of your goals could be to read a chapter in an inspirational book or if you are a person of faith, a chapter or two in the Bible. Another goal could be to spend an hour researching how to do AdWords. In some cases your goals will be time specific such as the reading I just suggested -- an hour or a chapter. Or they may be a goal where you want to finish something such as writing and submitting an article to an article directory. Each situation is different and you will find the best way for you. Be sure these goals are something you can tick off as done even if they are only part of a larger goal.

Lillian Cornelius is an author and online researcher.

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